I stumbled upon Peace in Piermont through a referral by one of my daughter’s classmates. I have always wanted to get my girls into yoga and meditation, but never thought that it would be this easy! Peace in Piermont is the ultimate kid and family-friendly yoga studio, which offers day camp yoga programs, hour long family yoga, and your typical adult yoga. There are so many things that I love about the studio- it’s warmth, positive energy, bright environment, and enthusiasm to name a few. What I appreciate the most is its tailoring to everyday families (like mine) that struggle with juggling a busy work/school/activity schedule yet want to incorporate the spirituality and teachings of yoga. The studio oftentimes offers day camps on holidays which the schools are closed, yet parents have to work. When my daughters are at the studio, I can leave with 100% certainty that they are not only in great care, but are also learning creative ways to exercise, self-express, and explore. Scarlett and Shane love going and are always in great spirits when I come to pick them up. Thank you for giving us your love, care, and providing a beautiful sanctuary to grow and learn together.
— Jordan, December 2020